LEDP Crochet Soft Toys Making
Exposure Visit of LEDP Crochet Soft Toys Making 17thFeb, 2024
An exposure visit of the trainees of the Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) in Crochet Soft Toys Making was conducted on 17th Feb, 2024. 30 trainees were taken to one of the leading Bag Manufacturing Industry Shiv Enterprises in Yamuna Nagar.
Mr. Ajinder Pal Singh Chairman of Guru Harkrishan Educational Society interacted with the candidates and took the women trainees to the Industry. He introduced the trainees to the Managing Director of the industry Mr. Vishal. Firstly he introduced the trainees about the Material and different types of Hooks used in manufacturing. He also explained the minute things to be taken care of while making Toys. Lastly trainees visited the packaging section and had knowledge of packaging procedure.
Further Mr. Ajinder Pal Singh interact with the trainees. Trainees asked questions about procurement of raw material in wholesale, they took knowledge about marketing of finished products and procedure for financial support for starting the entrepreneurship. Candidates also visited nearby shops from where they can get Raw Material. Visit was ended with a Lunch and token of Thanks by Ms. Himani Dhir, Manager GHES.