LEDP Jute Products

Exposure Visit – 2 of LEDP Jute Products Chaugawan (Distt. Karnal) 5thMarch, 2024

An exposure visit of the trainees of the Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme(LEDP) in Jute Products was conducted on 5thMarch, 2024. The 30 trainees were taken to one of the leading Jute Whole Seller Krishna Jute Sales & Suryansh Handloom a Jute Products Manufacturer in Panipat in 2 Buses specially arranged for a visit.

Mr. Ajinder Pal Singh Chairman of Guru Harkrishan Educational Society interacted with the candidates and took the women trainees to the Godowns of Krishna Jute Sales. He introduced the trainees to the Mr. Ashok who showed different types of Jute Material to the Candidates and explained their usage, candidates even purchased some Jute Fabric and Jute Yarn to make the products.

Then they were taken to Suryansh Handloom, whereMr. Anil Rohilaintroduced the trainees about the Material and Cutting methods that how to use a hand cutter machine on large quantity of material. How material for different types ofBags can be cut in a day using this electric hand cutter. Then he took the trainees to the sewing section where traineeshave live experience of how to sew different types of articles. Lastly trainees visited the packaging section and had knowledge of packaging procedure.

Further Mr. Ajinder Pal Singh interact with the trainees. Trainees asked questions about procurement of raw material in wholesale, they took knowledge about marketing of finished products and procedure for financial support for starting the entrepreneurship. Visit was ended with a Lunch and trip back to Chowgawan.


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